Submits Repair Readings on home Repairs
Recommends our Register
Assessed on Ohms Law Knowledge
Insurance Status Shown
Uses Calibrated Test Equipment
Priority Alerts on Marketplace Items
Links to Appliance Passport
Assessed on Ohms Law Knowledge
Direct Customer Invoicing

Certified Appliance Repairers
Appliance Safety Register
EEESafe Training Course
Domestic Appliance Technician
Unique Features
Potential to Auto Register to Manufacturer
Free Safety Alerts & no Warranty Sales calls
Optional Link to Local EEESafe Repairer
Evidences Tackling Poverty & Waste Prevention
Evidences Carbon Savings in the Community
Prevent Gifting or Selling Appliance Recalls
Stakeholders can add many Appliances
Directly Drop item to LocalitEEE Marketplace
Link for Landlords
Quality & International Branding
Combined 55 Years Industry Experience
Based on Haynes Manuals & to NVQ level 2
Flexible Delivery Models for Training
Path for Right 2 Repair Verification
Fast Certification route to EEESafe Repairer
Training the Trainer Solutions for Industry Qualification
Can be used with Apprentice Models
Partnership Opportunities to Create EEESafe Training Centres
Why EEESafe?
EEESafe has a track record of Promoting Appliance Safety, Domestic Appliance Training, Recycling, Reuse and Waste prevention. The four core elements within it’s experience.
Through it’s own background and agreements with Dixon Training as our chosen delivery partner, there is a combined knowledge of 60+ years in these disciplines. It’s recent restructuring through the developments of the EEESafe Qualifications and Certifications, it’s positioning itself as a Regulatory Organisation for the White Goods Sector in the key areas of the four areas mentioned earlier.
The UK Government increasingly continue to develop policies focusing on more repair in Electrical products to prevent harmful waste and the increased risks of fire through the sales of 2nd use Appliances, EEESafe’s model of safety, skills and sustainability, fits a common objective. Working with the Office of Product Safety Standards and the Dept of BEIS where the remit of consumer safety resides, we hope to progress our standards and training, to one that is replicable throughout the UK, Europe and internationally.
Our renowned article illustrating why a PAT Test on it’s own was not a means of safe use, but also detection of other accident risks were missed unless someone had the correct depth of knowledge.
Research showed us that the Circular Economy UN and UK policies, show a requirement to create Appliance Repair Skills fit for a safer and more sustainable world. Through our Training The Trainer Programme and the EEESafe Appliance Safety Register “Register Your Appliance”, its now possible to replicate a community based model supporting and creating local jobs in the local neighbourhood.
Experience and further research showed that appliances we were refurbishing were in actual fact at risk of Fire and Accidents because they were existing recalls. We didn’t have the correct insurance or systems in place to cover damage to home owners, or housing associations where refurbished appliances were places. Also the location of 80% of these recalls were unknown and worse still was that Manufacturers were historically failing to inform those known owners, where there was an existing risk. Where a message was placed on their website, we had no way of knowing if each owner was informed.
So I decided that many of these issues could be addressed through a more efficient model that addressed, Safety, Sustainability, Waste Prevention, Environment, Skills Shortages, Poverty & local job creation.
The idea of the EEESafe model gradually came from a desire to do things differently and disrupt the existing systems that were removing “in demand goods” to other parts of the UK. The advent of the WEEE Directive meant national schemes were removing goods via local authorities that local communities wanted to purchase at the lowest cost. Reducing waste at the most local level would benefit everyone. It was a complex model and a challenge to address, but something was needed to replace and reduce the need for Government Funding and stop creating jobs outside the local community,
I’m pleased today to have become a known safe consumer brand in Electrical Refurbishment and Repair of White Goods appliances. We’re proud now to be announcing the next phase and development of our new website, new International Appliance Register at and our Training Programme development which will be available shortly. The introduction of Reused Recyclable parts to reduce costs and increase more repair, is unique in the UK within the holistic model we’re releasing. Particularly as giving repairers and consumers the ability to sell Functional and Cosmetic parts, brings them local revenue streams, as well as being part of the Sustainable Solution. The next strategy is also in place beyond this phase, which will prove really exciting for those who engage, and interested in building a local sustainable community under your own direction and control.
Please come and join us now and help to build your Community. Our Appliance Register is Free and whether you register your appliance with manufacturers or not, there is no cost to Registering with us. We however, will provide you with more useful features and and methods of disposal that will deliver increased local employment, with a safer and more efficient local economy where you live.
Robert Alexander