Welcome to our Appliance Safety Register Survey.
THE SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. Thanks to all who participated.
As the first Independent Appliance Safety Register who’ve been around for many years, we’d like to inform you of our Award winning design. We are members of the Gov’s Business Reference Panel, operated by the Office of Product Safety Standards and last year we found out through an FOI that the Gov had spent £750k of Tax Payers money on how to get Consumers to Register their appliances. Despite knowing about our Register and our Innovative Solution to help address this problem, they excluded us from their Consumer Survey. We think we could have saved the Public Purse a lot of money.
There are many reasons why we believe the Government didn’t include us in their survey, which in the main we believe is because they work with the Manufacturers who don’t want Used Goods being sold more than New ones. However, their “supported” Register leads you to Warranty Sales Companies, 90% of the time. Indications from the public now show people want more repair, more safety and a place they can Trust when it comes to Recalls.
The public money spent by the Government returned 4000 Responses but they never informed consumers that there was an alternative Register that delivers on Safety, as well as many other innovative features.
We hope now with your help, we can produce our own survey and present it to the Ministers, which may return a different set of results directly from our set of questions, which will include some details of the benefits we’ll be offering in our new upgraded Register later this year.