Our Directory is EEECoin enabled which is a Digital Social Currency to enable Businesses evidence their CSR and be seen to work with the communities and beyond, where they are located. Submit Your Listing Here, it’s Free.
You can request from us, your own Business Community, where we will donate Social Currency to it, as well as put Cash in to your Community’s Social Funds.
You can then take our donated money and have it distributed to people in need within your LocalitEEE Business Community. To see how that works, visit our Cash For Your Community Page and for Distribution of the funds, look at our PLEEECoins Page.
Sustainability lies at the heart of the Welsh Government’s agenda for Wales and is demonstrated in the Well Being of Future Generations Bill. A we are a Welsh Organisation, we’re particularly proud to be leading the way for a UK Wide Sustainable Business Directory.
We can offer you our Sustainable Business Mark, if you tell us why you believe you are Sustainable. It’s easy to submit and even if you don’t yet feel its time, you can still take advantage of our Free Listing.
In your Directory Entry, your customers will see just how much help you’ve given to your Local or National Community. Every time you sell using our Business Shop, you’ll earn 25% of our Revenue Share, and 75% of cash from purchases of the EEECoin, when your customers place it in your Business Community for distribution to help tackle poverty.
The Directory offers you a lot of other useful features.
- Your own Cover Page
- A Link to a video of your organisation
- Coupon and Promotions within the Directory (Small Charge TBA)
- Social Currency Enabled including reports
- Social Media Sharing
- Links to your Website
- Your Sustainability Description
- Ratings on products you sell. (Free Listings & 5% min charge if you do)
- Business Dashboard that adds your Products to the LocalitEEE Shop
- Generate CoinBack for your community and tackle Poverty.
- Go to The Directory and add your listing.
- Full E-Commerce without your own Shop Costs & Fraud Protection