Share to help us raise funds and build your Local CommunitEEE


If you are a Consumer and would be happy to donate your old appliance to an EEESafe Centre, then please would you fill in our Donation Form to the left.  It’s IMPORTANT so that we can contact a local Centre or Repair Person registered with us, to collect your item.

By donating via EEESafe, we attempt to keep the old Appliance in the local community and where possible, get it into an EEESafe Centre for Safe Repair and Reuse.   Your old Appliance will hopefully become someone else’s New Appliance and repaired by a local Centre registered with us.

If you haven’t purchased a New Appliance yet, then EEESafe has made arrangements to work with The Co-operative Electrical who have an excellent Social ethos Business Model.  When you purchase a new item from them, they have agreed with EEESafe not to take the old item away.   So you’ll be supporting us and the local centre,  in delivering a local benefit to your local Community if you fill in your information and click CONTINUE so that we can continue to help others.

(Please NOTE, that even if you don’t donate your old item, please fill in your details, answer No and Click CONTINUE as you’ll be taken to our link to purchase a New Appliance from the Coop.  Not only do they give you Free Delivery and a 60 Minute Delivery Time Slot, but they support our work and we would like to record that you came from our site)  You’ll be taken to a new Page where you may click on the Coop Logo to purchase new. NOTE there is no difference in Price, you’ll just be supporting us and building our Community Trust Fund.

Let us try to find a home in your Community for your old Appliance.  We can contribute to increasing local repair work and help create new jobs in your area and help those who can’t afford a New Appliance.



If  you are a National Online Retailer and would like to work with us in helping local communities access goods repaired by EEESafe DATs or EEESafe DARs, then please email us at ad***@ee*****.uk