The Death of the Local Repairer?
Meerkats have excellent Vision, and as the environment is so crucial to them, perhaps they’ve seen something relative to an Appliance Safety Register that you haven’t?
So we’d just like to ask you to consider if any one of those subjects in the image resonate with your ethical self, and ask if you would consider giving us a Vote to support our work?
If you’ve arrived here via a recent Survey that was launched, please take a look HERE at just what we’ve planned to do with our Innovative Appliance Safety Register. Our Survey showed consumer support for our model, on average around 89% of the subjects we questioned them on. Most were uneducated about different aspects of Repair/Reuse and Waste Prevention, and understood how we could create thriving communities in our model.
We’re looking to run a Community Pilot for our Charitable Social Business. Maybe your Community would be up for a Pilot? So we’re trying to find out if you would Register Your Appliance with us in the near future when our new Safety Register launches. Using an independent Registration method means there is no contact from manufacturers or retailers to upsell you warranties. We would still supply you with the Safety Data a manufacturer would, if your product became the subject of a Recall. It would be exactly the same advice from the manufacturer. We would also be able to prevent the sale or donation of Appliances that are subject to a Product Recall, lowering the risk of you having a house fire.
However, our register would then start to divert the appliances to EEESafe Registered Repairers when you replace or want to have them repaired. Directly from the Register, you could donate or sell them locally and build a repair history, so that local people would know more about it’s repair history, and whether it was repaired by a Registered Repairer who also had insurance and depth of knowledge. The items would stay in the community and provide carbon and waste saving metrics, social value outcomes and create local funds to help the poor, courtesy of our Award winning Charitable Business Model. We would be able to donate funds then to your community, as your appliance will be placed into your own LocalitEEE Marketplace.
This is an innovative Community Appliance Safety Register designed to link in with Repair Communities and offer Qualifications and Certifications for Circular Economy Repair Technicians, who will live on your housing estates. We’re looking to recruit Regional Training Centres to deliver our training, and here’s a SHORT VIDEO, to give you a flavour.
Because we’re submitting to the Government’s PRODUCT SAFETY CONSULTATION, your Vote would help support and help us influence policy decisions, that we hope will translate through to creating new jobs where you live and evidence how you and your community are helping to reduce environmental impact and tackle local poverty.
Our Solutions can help solve some of the Global EEE Waste, Environmental and poverty challenges we face. We hope this will also assist us in generating funding for a Pilot with your community and gauge interest where in the country, we could best concentrate our efforts. If you’re in a hurry and would like to give us a positive vote, we would just ask you to register your interest by contacting us below for more info.
It would help us build a UK Map and If you want to take a longer look at some of the benefits and how we are going to build a Community of Communities, then take a look at our Appliance Register HOLDING PAGE
Our communities can be the catalyst for change, and build a Responsible Consumption Platform, under your Community control. Product safety is crucial and nobody is accountable to anyone for not doing it safely. We’re trying to organise this and HERE’s WHY!
We’re doing something different to Build Back Better by offering £100 Mini-Grants to people in your community to help tackle poverty. We’re putting your community at the heart of Change for a better world. Our Award Winning company has a solution that will work, if we can gain your support. Don’t worry, it’s FREE and all we’re looking for right now is for you to Log Your Interest in our Appliance Register. We want to create Regional EEESafe Training Centres and let them deliver local Qualifications to become a Qualified or Certified CE Community Repairer.
One of the quickest ways to engage the world in Responsible Consumption, Degrowth and Divert Repairable Items from Waste to Registered Repairers where you live, is through our Appliance Safety Register. Lets provide them with jobs and products to repair and help us put you in charge of your community.
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