New Year – New Training Courses announced for EEESafe January 10, 2018EEESafe, repair, Reuse, Right To Repair, Training & Education, Uncategorized, WEEEBy eeesafe admin
So what’s coming soon for EEESafe June 7, 2017EEESafe, repair, Reuse, Right To Repair, Sustainable, UncategorizedBy eeesafe admin
BRexit or BRemain – The Materials Question June 22, 2016Environment, localitEEE, Reuse, Uncategorized, WEEEBy customer
11,965 Appliances that were faulty, incorrectly installed or improperly maintained June 30, 2015EEESafe, Environment, recall, Uncategorized, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
Online Learning in Electrical Repairs is not acceptable to EEESafe May 28, 2015EEESafe, repair, Right To Repair, Stakeholders, Training & Education, UncategorizedBy eeesafe admin