The Death of the Local Repairer?

We thought we’d post a bit more information on what is planned when we launch our Certified and Verified Community Repairers
Bringing a standard where there is none (apart from a voluntary guide from the Government), when it comes to repairing electrical goods, may be viewed by many as not essential. After all there are hundreds of videos to teach people how to repair and that in one sense is not a bad thing and we do support a Right To Repair an electrical item, White Goods, Mobiles or any ICT equipment.
However, lets put it on the record that there’s probably more people NOT repairing and who want to be able to trust a used appliance is fixed to the safest electrical standards. In time it’s perfectly acceptable to think that more will repair than do not, but just when and if, is a big question right now.
EEESafe Certified and Verified Repairers will not just be passing a timed external Ohms Law assessment, but they will be compliant in the reporting of repairs (if they choose) and will have registered important information with us about their equipment and evidence of compliance to regulations of how they deal with Electrical Waste.
There are more elements to this, but wouldn’t you as a consumer be interested in knowing who has repaired your item and if they hold or comply with any regulations and are prepared to be accountable to a 3rd Party that hold evidence on their work.
Wouldn’t you also like to know how much they AND YOU are contributing to their local economy. This in terms of CO2 savings, waste savings, number of repairs, product categories repaired, how much money they’ve contributed to help local citizens in need…and quite a bit more.
Local Jobs are needed and lower costs of repair would also go a long way to increase repair work, so that we do not create more waste that is harmful to our planet. Look at the current system which:
- Transports goods away from your community reducing available local repair work.
- Creates pollution of the environment where Electric Vehicles are not used.
- Increases energy demands in dismantling, processing and repairing and then sends goods back to communities where they came from.
- Increases debt opportunities by offering finance when buying them online.
- Doesn’t evidence a person of competence, externally assessed has conducted a safe repair.
We could go on, but hopefully you’ll see from our Graphic where we are going with this and we can will be offering the VERY Local repairer and charities, the opportunity to link ensure they are linked to appliances that you as a consumer, can register and create the “Appliance Passport” so we can monitor it’s journey. This is something our 12 Stakeholder Groups can do as well and it’s a case of first come first notified of when an item is up for grabs for sale or donation.
We will be donating regular amounts of £100 to citizens who need it, providing you’ve Registered at least one Appliance and use our Marketplace. We don’t decide. You do!
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