Share to help us raise funds and build your Local CommunitEEE

If you want to run your own White Goods Repair in your local community, then you could consider becoming an EEESafe Certified Domestic Appliance Technician.

You will need to provide evidence of your competence, or if you have some basic knowledge and are willing to take our Training Course, then you could develop a unique local small business where you live.  Here are some more Requirements, Benefits and Opportunities.

Make an enquiry using the form below and be prepared to hold insurance, which we can help you procure. Some policies do not actually cover you correctly.

  • A Trusted Registered Competent Person to promote to your customers
    • Be willing to consider submitting to the Disclosure Barring Service. (A future strategy)
  • Be willing to work with LocalitEEE and Partners to Develop Safer environments and grow local business and community economies.
    • Linked to our Sustainable Business Directory with the option to receive leads and engage in Repair Link.
  • Capture new business as a Community Appliance Repairer
  • Issue “Approved Refurbished Appliance” Safety Labels.
  • Training Certification opportunities.
  • Access to more White Goods and Repair Jobs from the local Community
  • Protecting Homes by offering to add your customers appliances to the EEESafe Appliance Safety Register
  • Provides an Annual Competent Persons Card to give consumer assurance on Safely Repaired Appliances.
  • Access to Training and Repair knowledge.
  • Optionally work to our REEESafe protocols for quality assured Recycled Spares
  • Use your online Community Shop to sell or purchase spares and used appliances.
  • Deliver and/or undertake Certified EEESafe Dismantlers Courses (TBA)

For More Info, Please Contact us