Housing Associations and Local Authorities.
Housing Associations and Local Authorities are beginning to manage their own Waste and look at optimising their Waste Prevention Opportunities.
Working with EEESafe that’s easy, and there are three strands to the model through which they can engage.
- Registering their existing workforce to become EEESafe DAT’s (Domestic Appliance Technician) at a cost of £45 This is a Competent Persons Scheme and more details can be found out at THIS LINK.
- Operate an EEESafe Centre at your Waste Storage Location where you can manage your own Online Local Shop that sells the Repaired Appliances where the local community can purchase or lease the items under your own maintenance control.
- Operate your own Registered EEESafe Training Centre, delivering local training using our Franchised Training material, which includes Lessons, Video Clips and Candidate Portfolios. We operate a Training the Trainer Programme to help you deliver this Course, and you can look at delivering this training and involve your appointed Tenants to volunteer and work towards their own qualification to become an EEESafe Qualified Technician. (EEESafe DARq)
You can buy and sell Quality Assured Recycled Spares with our online trading platform with other Centres operating to Manufacturers Specifications. See www.reeesafe.com
If your Centre did not have repair facilities, then you could consider working with a local reuse organisation, or a Registered Charity who are helping the local community. This would also potentially lower your own repair costs.
If you did not want to take on new Employees, you could work with local Domestic Appliance Engineers who could assist with repair work either in your workshop, or you could farm out the work to them and ensure the old appliances reach you as a Centre. We would want to see them registered as DATs which only come at an annual cost of £45 per person assuming they meet the compliance criteria. DATs would be able to sell locally for you as well as conduct repair work in partnership and you can supply them with Quality Assured Recycled Spares.