EEESafe Centre (part of the national on-line chain) can provide your customers with your own On-line Shop to sell your Refurbished Products, but that’s not all it does. Apart from having your own branded shop, your own customers will have the opportunity to offer their old Appliances to be collected by a Registered Centre. This means you will be preventing Waste and getting access to more appliances to refurbish and increase revenue opportunities. All products that come in are checked against the Product Recall Database to ensure it doesn’t go out again, without having the correct repair. It’s vital Householders Appliances are not part of a Recalled Product. If you are a Centre and don’t have room, then you should make it available for other Centres nearby who will be offered the chance to collect the item. Items may also become available from our existing EEESafe DAT guys, who have no requirement to collect an item after being to a repair in a home where a customer is having a new appliance.DATs are committed to reporting on our system, so there are plenty opportunities to get involved and develop your own local operation. EEESafe Centres are also required to search the
Product Recall Database, prior to putting an item back on sale. As a Registered Centre, when a customer doesn’t wish to purchase a Refurbished item, you can earn revenue by pointing them to the New Appliance Purchase section. All sales via that route will be assigned to your Centre and you will be paid a 2% commission on the retail price, and that’s not all. Once again the customer will have the opportunity to donate their old appliance to a Registered Centre, and as a paid up Centre, that opportunity will be available to you. By interacting with consumers on your Centre Shop, you will both be achieving the following list of benefits and which you should list in your own Marketing.
You can work with your local community in advertising your online shop and increase your Sales of Refurbished and New Appliances and get more appliances to repair in your workshop, if you have one. Don’t have a workshop, then why not team up with EEESafe DATs in your area and together grow your own businesses and if that isn’t enough incentive, then watch out for our Training Programme (Link to Training Registrations). You could be partnering with Private Training Providers, Local Colleges or have your own in House Training programme through provision of our Training Materials from the EEESafe Training Institute. The opportunities are plenty and if you are a Housing Authority, you could consider a Centre and/or Training as a way of contributing added value and lower costs to your organisation.
Centres can also link in with local Charities and Social Help Groups like the Homeless Departments and Womens Aid groups and provide sales of Refurbished Products as well as conducting repairs either as a Single Contract or getting together with EEESafe DATs. We are working with Producer Compliance Schemes as well, who will come and take away what you cannot repair and you can share in a negotiated revenue we operate with them.
If you are keen to prevent another Grenfell, help your local economy grow and bring our Micro-Grants to your Community, please get in touch.