- Worked for Hoover Ltd as an engineer and technical trainer
- Founded his own company in 1979 Dixon Repair Services Ltd.
- An author of a popular series of repair books under the International renowned Haynes Manuals brand, – The Washing Machine Manual, The Dishwasher Manual, The Combined Washing Machine and Tumble drier Manual and The Home Electrical Appliance Manual with editions in Portuguese and Czechoslovakian.
- Engaged as a whitegoods consultant for Thorn EMI owned company, when in 1988 they expanded into white goods rental. This progressed to developing a series of structured training courses and rolling out a nationwide training programme for their extensive service division.
- Planned and produced “product specific” video based training packages and was then engaged at board level with new product assessment, fault consultancy and systems analysis for over 7 years for Thorn EMI.
- Similar work followed from other major companies such EID of Ireland and MFI in the U.K. and numerous smaller businesses.
- For over 5 years provided resettlement training for service personnel leaving all three of British Armed Armed Forces wishing to embark on a career in the domestic appliance service sector.
- Between June 2001 and March 2003 was contracted as a technical expert on a major Harper Collins book project called the Fix It Manual.
- 2007 worked on various sections of a Readers Digest publication – ‘Forbidden Advice’ which was published early in 2008.
- Produce specialised technical training and information packages the first of which was an electrical foundation package on “Safer Working Practices”. This was accepted by the Domestic Appliance Service Association as “Best Practice” for its members and accepted throughout the industry and in 1992 it was commended by the European year of Health and Safety and was allowed to display the European Logo.
- The content of the ‘Safer Working Practices’ package was also used in the compilation of the Health and Safety Engineering Information sheet No35 seen HERE which has influenced the safety aspects of the NVQ standards for the appliance service sector and future qualifications.
- A Founder member of D.A.S.A. (the Domestic Appliances Service Association), moving in later years to Associate Member status with the emphasis on consultancy, training and technical information and has also been an active member and supporter of the WTA (Whitegoods Trade Association).
- During the 90’s was heavily involved with NVQs from the outset with the new industry standards. For three years he was a member of the joint venture with DASA and the East Yorkshire College when piloting the original NVQ standards and assessment structure. During this time produced both detailed candidate and assessor manuals for the project. DASA charged him with heading their interests relating to technical training and advancing the NVQ to the new QCF qualifications.
- One of the few individuals to have gained their D32, D33 and D34 qualifications gained by direct assessment and verification of the domestic appliance servicing NVQ standards.
- For a 6 year period was involved in both training and consultancy to the FRN (Furniture Recycling Network) and other similar groups around the country working on whitegoods recycling projects and standards. Alongside this was involved as a ‘Technical Expert’ on both the EESTC Technical Certificate Project and the review of the E&ES Occupational Standards.
- Since its inception, Graham took the role of Training Director with EEESafe whose aim is to launch a Community based “Competent Persons Scheme” for the Appliance Service, Re-use and Recycling sectors. Societal challenges now find us working together for a greater emphasis on environmental, waste prevention and social impacts and seeking to bring standards that consumers can trust when it comes to Electrical Repair and Reuse safety.

GRAHAM Mitchell
A professional and skilled engineer with over 20 years involvement in a variety of aspects of the white goods trade.
Over the years, Graham has worked as a Field Engineer with Hotpoint, worked as an Appliance Technician and Recycling Operative in two Charitable institutions and also set up and run his own company. He has also delivered hundreds of training courses for Dixons Training, and his experience is immensely invaluable to our objectives. He's acutely aware of environmental, safety issues and the needs of impoverished communities. He has also had sight of other training providers work, and his overall experience led him to believe the Dixons Training course was the Gold Standard for the sector. That course has also now been transposed into a (Regulated by EEESafe) Community Repairer Draft Qualification, for which he offers us his continued support and advice through it's development. It's great to have him on board supporting our objectives for an Industry Standard Certification and Qualification.
Professional Qualifications
Indesit Company
2012 Training course in Re-gassing refrigeration
2011 Refresher course in Test Meters, diagnostics and customer care
2011 Refresher course in Health and safety
2009 Training Course in Basic refrigeration
2008 Training course in Washing machines, washer dryers and tumble dryers
2008 Training course in Dishwashers
City and Guilds
2004 Level 3 Certificate of Competence for the inspection and testing of portable electrical equipment
Dixon Training
2001 Domestic appliance servicing course
2002 Portable appliance testing
2003 Microwave oven servicing
2004 Level 2 Certificate in Risk Assessment
2000 Basic Health and safety