The Death of the Local Repairer?

The Circuitous Reality of Printed Circuit Board Jewellery
In the age of eco-conscious consumerism, sustainability has become a buzzword that many companies exploit to enhance their brand image. However, it’s essential for consumers, especially those with a penchant for repairing and reusing, to scrutinize the authenticity of these claims. One such industry that demands a closer look is the jewellery market, where a paradoxical trend is emerging – the creation of accessories from printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Imagine a company boasting high wages, luxurious products, and a commitment to sustainability. On the surface, it may seem like an eco-friendly utopia, but the devil is in the details. The jewellery crafted from printed circuit boards is gaining popularity among affluent consumers, but the contradiction lies in The Royal Mint’s simultaneous claim to support repair and maintenance of electrical goods.
At first glance, turning e-waste into fashionable jewellery appears to be a creative and sustainable endeavor. However, a closer inspection reveals a significant flaw in the sustainability narrative. When companies extract printed circuit boards from electronic devices to fashion them into jewellery pieces, they inadvertently contribute to a reduction in the number of repairable electronic goods.
Printed circuit boards are integral components of electronic devices, and removing them reduces the chances of repairing and extending the lifespan of gadgets. In essence, the very act of transforming these boards into jewellery contradicts the company’s purported commitment to promoting repair and sustainability.
True sustainability in the electronics industry involves encouraging repairability, recyclability, and responsible disposal. By repurposing circuit boards into jewellery, the company may create aesthetically pleasing accessories, but it inadvertently limits the potential for repairing and reusing electronic devices. Particularly as EEESafe seeks to establish the EEESafe PCB Expert for each 64k Household Cohort in it’s drive to grow this skillset, and provide them a ready made business model for it’s EEESafe Certified DATs.
As consumers who prioritise sustainability, it is crucial to question the practices of companies claiming eco-friendly initiatives. Ask whether their actions align with their words. In the case of PCB jewellery, it becomes evident that the fashionable outcome may come at the cost of hindering the repair and reuse of electronic goods, the very principles that authenticate sustainability champions.
In conclusion, while the allure of jewellery made from printed circuit boards may be tempting, consumers must be aware of the underlying contradiction in such practices. To truly support sustainability and repair-oriented values, it is essential to choose products and companies that prioritize genuine, holistic efforts towards reducing electronic waste and promoting a circular economy.
The Royal Mint seeks to Recycle 4,000 Tonnes per annum to reach it’s target. It claims the PCB’s they receive have already been deemed as end of life, but by WHOM? The reality of our experience of Repairers, is that many would advise customers to buy a new appliance because the new board is far too expensive and is usually not in stock. We have the chance to change that and deliver more local repair jobs and used parts. However, when we asked them how they thought they could help, they wanted to concentrate first on setting their plant and processes? They felt that there was no paradox on their part which you can judge for yourself, but we will of course keep the door open, which is how we left that conversation.
Consumers and Repairers who register their Appliances with EEESafe, will be able to help us increase the availability of local parts, thereby increasing the value of local economies and social value to the tune of around £7M annually in each community. That’s in tandem with the £90k EEESafe could donate annually to the local people who need financial help.
Now those outcomes sound MINT to us. Membership of LocalitEEE is free to Citizens, well only if you Register at least one Appliance with us.

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