Community Members can Share Revenue with your Hub and help fund local community development. Or just sell useful household items, or donate them to the Hub, or your Favourite Charity using the online upload form. Uploads are approved by the Hub Manager to ensure goods and services meet their safety standards. The weight of all Sales will contribute to the Hubs’ Waste Prevention Report.
Why not put your old clothes, shoes, belts and bags in to fixed sizes bags and remain open to the best offer from Organisations that buy them. Or give them to the hub for a single large pickup. Offer your home to store textiles and also earn from stripping spares from your old appliances. Hubs are putting the money back into its local community through these innovations.
Sell items that your local support groups require, as they continually seek to assist others in the local area. Womens Aid Groups, Social Services etc. Goods like Sofa’s, Beds, Kitchen Appliances, Bikes and main furniture items are always in demand. Trusted Businesses, joined to the Community can provide competitive services.
Allow the hub to organise the repair of items by local people or businesses before you send it to the local tip. This provides local work and retains valuable electrical spares to use in the community. If repaired, you can donate it for the Hub to Sell. All Items will be PAT Tested in the home before being sold on the Shop and include the PAT Test Certificate to reassure the buyer.
All items sold in the Online Shop or in Classified Ads will have it’s weight recorded. Your Community can then show the Waste Prevention Tonnage savings. Your council will spend less on Waste Disposal. Through sales of Waste prevented item, that have been repaired, Hubs can help tackle local poverty.
All Electrical Items sold via the Shop or Classified Ads will be checked to see if they are part of a Product Recall. We promote a high safety standard, and if a Free Repair or Swap can be organised, both seller and buyer will be reducing the risk of fire. All Electrical Appliances sold will also be entered and monitored by ourEEESafe Register.
For Housing Associations, you don’t need to dump goods from Voids. You can upload them for your tenants and community. You can even shift the location whilst it’s advertised.
For Charity Shops, you can expand your reach and even operate Sub-Hubs in the Community. A great opportunity to increase your volunteers and revenue streams.
There are full reporting facilities built in, and we’re shortly launching the Gift Aid report based on the sales of your Fund Raising activities through the shop AND Classified Ads.