Are you Safe from IOT? February 14, 2017EEESafe, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Stakeholders, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
Safety Issues missed on WHICH Report January 23, 2017EEESafe, localitEEE, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Training & Education, WEEE, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
EU likes EEESafe – Ready for Deployment November 17, 2016EEESafe, localitEEE, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Training & Education, WEEE, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
How is the risk assessed for a Potential Product Recall November 14, 2016EEESafe, localitEEE, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Training & Education, WEEE, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
A New World Dawns but the fight still remains! November 9, 2016EEESafe, localitEEE, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Training & Education, WEEE, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
MPs Catch Up with EEESafe October 17, 2016EEESafe, localitEEE, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Training & Education, WEEE, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
Some questions to Fires Services and Government October 11, 2016EEESafe, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
Samsung Class Action Threat from Exploding Washing Machines September 29, 2016EEESafe, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
Online Learning in Electrical Repairs is not acceptable to EEESafe May 28, 2015EEESafe, repair, Right To Repair, Stakeholders, Training & Education, UncategorizedBy eeesafe admin
It’s not Waste working with EEESafe. The Environment Agency and Defra say so! February 28, 2014EEESafe, Environment, repair, Reuse, SocialBy eeesafe admin