Earth Overshoot Day -Who’s responsible? August 1, 2018EEECoin, EEESafe, Environment, localitEEE, Resource Hubs, Social, Sustainable, WEEEBy eeesafe admin
How we can reduce local poverty and create local jobs April 23, 2018EEECoin, Environment, localitEEE, Reuse, Social, Stakeholders, Training & Education, WEEEBy eeesafe admin
Grenfell Tower Comments June 14, 2017EEESafe, Environment, recall, repair, Reuse, Social, Training & EducationBy eeesafe admin
EEESafe’s Sustainable Circular Economy Business Solutions February 24, 2015EEECoin, EEESafe, localitEEE, Stakeholders, VolunteersBy eeesafe admin
New Brand Name and Logo for EEESafe Community Hubs February 5, 2015EEESafe, localitEEE, Resource Hubs, SocialBy eeesafe admin
Electrical Safety at home helps the poor September 4, 2014EEESafe, repair, Social, White Goods NewsBy eeesafe admin
Can you help the poorest community in your area? January 16, 2014EEESafe, Environment, repair, Reuse, Social, WEEEBy eeesafe admin
A WASTE of Public Money? What do you think? November 26, 2013EEESafe, Environment, Reuse, SocialBy eeesafe admin
Should this be allowed on our High Streets? June 24, 2013EEESafe, Environment, repair, Reuse, Social, WEEEBy eeesafe admin