We’re happy to announce that we’re engaging with Policy Units of each Government in the UK.
We’re attempting to get them to place a duty on Landlords to inform tenants when their Large Domestic Appliances become part of a Recall.
We have support from some Housing Sectors already and engaging with Working Groups to establish policy. They are finding our Register can help them as Landlords, and therefore protecting Tenants.
A classic example was the Argos Washing Machine Recalls a few weeks ago. Who’s responsibility was it to remove the fire risk at the homes? Some Landlords may take that responsibility and others may make tenants responsible. Who’s responsible for yours?
Our answer currently is that it’s both Tenant & Landlord. If you care about your own safety, others in the home or next door, then we advise you just register them and we’re sure both Tenant & Landlord (& neighbours) will be happy. No site visits are required. It’s all done online.
It’s quite surprising and worrying how many tenants tell us that the appliances don’t belong to them! They should be prioritising a safe environment.
On the Argos Review page of the offending “at risk” washing machines, we’ve asked Argos have they notified those owners? No answer yet but watch this space.