The Death of the Local Repairer?

In the age of Right To Repair which we support, anyone can fix your Electrical Items. There is no monitorable independent standard for Consumers to recognise that it’s been repaired by a Competent Person.
So we’re highlighting the type of issue that you may not be aware of, but the practice is rife. The Universal Circuit Board!
Sounds interesting but if it’s not the Manufacturers PCB, the question is whether it’s safe to use and meets stringent safety standards applied in law. All Goods must have a Conformity Certificate before they are placed on the UK or EU markets. So this is blatantly illegal and I would hope that Manufacturers will do something about this.
There could be plenty of these out there on Ebay, Amazon and even Facebook. This is a fact: When we published this information on FB, our post was blocked and we were threatened with more restrictions if we did this again. WHY? “Marketplace may be impacted” is our most likely guess. Anyone who’s had dealings with FB and restrictions they felt were unfair, will be well aware of the lack of interaction with them on such matters. We appealed, but heard nothing.
The name Universal Circuit Board can be a good thing when someone wants to prototype something and this does happen, but what we’re seeing is that this is being seen as a fix for a washing machine that no longer works.
The Dangers are clear here and only EEESafe can give consumers and the repairers the ability to give consumers a solution with increased safety in repairs. Visit our Comparison Article with Currys Repairers to see why.
If you want to see some examples and evidence of why you need to be sure you don’t engage with these types of Products, providing you want to ensure you’re minimising the risk of owning an unsafe product:
Just enter “universal pcb for washing machine” into YouTube. There’s plenty of associated DIY fixes on other appliance electrical parts as well. Lets try and avoid another Grenfell, as it was thought to be an appliance that started the fire, but the Cladding rightfully became the reason for this sad and avoidable fire. Here’s one other direct link to illustrate.
We believe in a Right To Repair, but also we believe in the consumers Right To Know, who has repaired their Appliances, AND what was done to it, before you purchase a used Appliance.
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